Web Design Trends for 2017

Working as a web designer one has question in his mind of how design trends changed each year.
This is the time of year where everyone starts to think “new.” New year. New resolutions. New design trends.
Let’s examine some of the most popular for this and the coming year 2017.

More Serif Typefaces
Dark Aesthetics
Natural, Neutral Color Palettes
Geometric Details
Oversized Type
VR Wannabes
New Navigation Patterns
Conversational UI
The end of traditional web design
Next generation of responsive design
Minimalistic web design
Data visualization
Fewer stock photos, more authenticity.
Material design
Long-scrolling websites
Typography goes big.
The end of flat design.
Geometric shapes, lines, and patterns.
Imaginative heading styles
Duotone gradient imagery
Increased use of animations and GIFs
Navigation diets
Increased use of hand-drawn elements
More emphasis on landing pages, less on a home page
Layouts that let content shine
Better collaboration between designers, and between designers and developers
Improved design-to-development workflows
Big, bold type
Complex layouts rooted in graphic design principles
The Experimental Layout Lab of Jen Simmons
More SVGs
Constraint-based design tools
More and brighter color
More focus on animation
Unique layouts
The Outline
Complex CSS grid layouts
A focus on designing for content delivery, personalization, and conversion
More focus on conversation (yes, bots, but also…)
The fight against fake news
More peeks inside design (and content)
A new designer deliverable — code — created in new ways
Virtual reality on the web
3D entering the designer’s toolkit

we think everything on this list is pretty great, don’t try and fit every single one of these trends into your new website.
Pick your style that suites your capabilities and need of client.

Conclusion :

There is a surety we come to see some great websites in 2017, and these design trends will most definitely be seen on some of the best website designs yet to come as we see improved in the design to development workflows.

From hand drawn elements to duotone images, imaginative headings to more focused content layouts with flexbox , from microinteractions to animations and from images to GIF images to SVGs, these design trends will dominate web design in the coming year 2017.